Sometimes people who suffer from insomnia or anxiety take different medicines together to create a more potent effect. However, these drugs can have dangerous interactions. Xanax and Ambien are two such prescription medicines that are prescribed for these conditions. Both medicines are central nervous system (CNS) depressants medicines and belong to schedule IV controlled substances. It means that Combining them can increase the side effects or create life-threatening situations. So before taking any drugs, we must know all the information about Ambien and Xanax.

What Are Ambien And Xanax?

Before discussing any information related to Xanax and Ambien we must know what are these medicines. It can help us understand to know what is the purpose of using these medicines.

  • What is Ambien?— Ambien (Zolpidem) is commonly prescribed to treat insomnia or sleep disorders. This medicine belongs to sedative-hypnotics known as nonbenzodiazepines. It is used as a hypnotic drug that works by affecting certain chemicals that decrease brain activity and promote sleep. Zolpidem should only be used for short-term treatment of sleep problems.
  • What is Xanax?— Xanax (alprazolam) is commonly prescribed to treat anxiety and panic attacks. This medicine is classified as a benzodiazepine family drug. It works by enhancing the effect of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain which can calm excessive brain activity and produce a tranquilizing effect. Alprazolam is also used for short-term treatment of anxiety.

I think we all understand what are these medicines. So, Now we discuss these medicine’s similarities and differences.

Alprazolam vs Zolpidem

Alprazolam and zolpidem are two prescription medicines used to treat anxiety and insomnia. Both are central nervous system (CNS) depressants and belong to two different drug families. Here we look at the similarities and differences of these two medicines.


There are several similarities between Zolpidem and Alprazolam.

  • Sleep Disorder: We can use these two prescription medicines to treat various sleep disorders. We all know that Ambien is specially prescribed for the treatment of insomnia and sometimes Xanax is also used for short-term relief of sleep disorders.
  • CNS depressants: Both medicines are CNS depressants and work by enhancing the activity of GABA and creating calming effects.
  • Sedative effects: These medications have sedative effects. This is why they are often prescribed to help with sleep-related issues or anxiety.
  • Short-term treatment: Xanax is used for short-term treatment of anxiety and Ambien is used for short-term treatment of Insomnia.
  • Controlled substance: Both medicines belong to Schedule IV controlled substances.
  • Dependence and Addiction: Both medicines have the potential for addiction and dependence. Taking them together can increase these problems.
  • Tolerance and withdrawal symptoms: Long time use of these medicines, the body can build a tolerance to these medications, which may require higher doses to achieve the same effect. When discontinuing these medications after prolonged use, withdrawal symptoms can occur.
  • Potential for medicine Abuse: Some People may misuse these medications for their soothing effects which leads to medicine abuse and addiction.


There are several similarities between Zolpidem and Alprazolam.

  • Generic name & Drug class: Xanax belongs to the Benzodiazepine family and is also known as Alprazolam. Likewise, Ambien belongs to the Sedative-hypnotic class and is known as Zolpidem.
  • Primary Use: Ambien is primarily prescribed to treat insomnia and other sleeping disorders. Xanax is prescribed to treat anxiety and panic attacks. It is also helpful for insomnia and other problems.
  • Forms: In the market, Xanax is available as an Immediate-release tablet (Xanax), extended-release tablet (Xanax XR), and oral concentrate. Ambien is available in the form of Immediate-release tablets (Ambien), and extended-release tablets.
  • Dosage: For better sleep take Ambien 5 mg10 mg before bedtime. Xanax’s typical dosages for anxiety are Xanax 0.25 mg0.5 mg (three times daily). These doses can vary according to the patient’s condition.
  • Cost: Cost of these two medicines are different. It fully depends on the variants and certain medicines distributors.
  • Onset Action: Xanax has a quick onset of action and provides immediate relief for anxiety symptoms. Ambien onset action is within 30 minutes of ingesting the medication, which helps individuals fall asleep faster.
  • Half-life: Xanax has a longer duration of action. Ambien’s Half-life is approximately 2.5 hours and Xanax’s half-life is 11 hours.
  • Addiction & Dependence: Zolpidem can lead to dependence and tolerance, the risk is generally considered lower than that of benzodiazepines like Alprazolam.

Always consult with your doctor and healthcare expert for accurate information regarding the similarities, differences, and appropriate use of Alprazolam and Zolpidem.

Mixing Xanax And Ambien

Mixing Xanax and Zolpidem is generally not recommended without proper medical supervision. These two medicines have similar mechanisms of action in the brain. Both medications also have sedative properties and can cause drowsiness and impairment of cognitive and motor functions. Taking Xanax and Ambien together can increase the risks and potential side effects of these drugs.

The danger of Combining Ambien And Xanax

Combining Ambien and Xanax can be dangerous and should only be done with the guidance of a doctor. They are extremely dangerous when you take them together. The potential risks of combining Ambien and Xanax included:

  • Excessive sedation
  • Respiratory depression
  • Intensified side effects
  • Impaired judgment and coordination
  • Excessively depress the activity of the CNS.
  • Memory and cognitive impairment
  • Complex sleep behaviors
  • Increased risk of Xanax and Ambien overdose
  • Dependence and Withdrawal
  • Hypoxia
  • Coma and Death

Before taking any drug we should all the risky factors of the medicines. So, always consult with your doctor or healthcare expert before taking any medication. They can suggest appropriate treatment which is suitable to your conditions. Those who are mixing Xanax and Ambien together should consult with their doctor immediately.

Xanax And Ambien Drug Interactions

Ambien is a CNS depressant, so it may interact with other medications like alcohol, opioids, anti-depressants, or other benzodiazepines that can make you sleepy or increase the risk of respiratory depression. It may also interact with chlorpromazine, itraconazole, ketoconazole, or rifampin.

Other benzodiazepines such as Ativan, Klonopin, Valium, and Xanax should not used together. Because it can intensify the Xanax side effects. Never mix Opioids with Xanax for example, Suboxone and Xanax can increase the risk of respiratory depression. Anticonvulsant medicines like Gabapentin and Xanax also affect brain activity which can cause serious consequences. Likewise, other sedative medicines or food such as alcohol should be avoided when you take Xanax medication.

Make sure to tell your doctor all the medicine lists you are currently taking. Never take any medicine without a doctor’s approval. To minimize the risk of Xanax and Ambien combination strictly follow your healthcare instructions.

Side Effects:

Both Xanax and Ambien have several side effects. Side effects can occur when you take a higher dose of the medicines without permission or if you don’t take medicines according to your prescription. Mixing them together can increase the side effects of these medicines. Here we look at the side effects of Ambien and Xanax.

Xanax Side Effects:

  • Dizziness & Drowsiness
  • Confusion or difficulty concentrating
  • Cognitive impairment and memory problems
  • Blurry vision and slurred speech
  • Depression
  • Changes in appetite or weight
  • Dry mouth & headache
  • Mood changes, including aggression or agitation
  • Reduced libido

Ambien Side Effects:

  • Excessive drowsiness and daytime sleepiness
  • Dizziness and lightheadedness
  • Muscle weakness or fatigue
  • Memory problems or forgetfulness
  • Changes in appetite or taste
  • Grogginess
  • Headache
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Dry mouth
  • Anxiety & depression
  • Skin reactions
  • Thought disturbances
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Dementia

It is most important to know that these side effects may occur in your case. Before taking these medicines consult with your doctor about the side effects. In rare cases, it can cause Xanax and Ambien death or coma.

Can You Take Xanax And Ambien

Can you take Xanax and Ambien together? No, It is not recommended to take Xanax and Ambien together without the guidance and prescription of a doctor. These drugs both have sedative effects and can increase the risk of excessive sedation, respiratory depression, and other potential dangers. Never use other benzos, antidepressants, alcohol, and Xanax together. Only a healthcare professional can assess your specific situation and determine if combining these medications is appropriate for you. If you have any concerns or questions, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional. You can also contact us.

We hope that this information may be helpful to you. If you have any queries related to this then feel free to contact us. Hurry up and contact us today.