Xanax 0.5 mg

(12 customer reviews)


Xanax 0.5 mg is for short-term treatment of anxiety, panic disorder, sleeping disorder, someone who has depression. It affects the brain & produces calmness. The person feels relaxed, can focus on his/her work. Xanax comes in different brand names or other forms, which may not be available in all forms or may not cover all the symptoms that 0.5 mg of Xanax covers. Don’t give this medicine to anyone in your family or friends. It can be harmful to his/her health if they don’t consult directly with the doctor. Taking these medicines for a long time & wanting to stop it so without consulting with your doctor does not stop these medicines.

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Xanax 0.5 mg gets relief from anxiety, muscle pain, and panic disorder. It has been approved by the FDA to treat certain types of anxiety such as GAD (generalized anxiety disorder). GAD symptoms include restlessness, extreme anxiety, fear without having any reason. This medicine works on receptors to calm down your brain activity & decrease anxiety & stress.

Xanax can make your anxiety worse by continuing for more than 8 weeks. Those who are taking Xanax prescription medicine & experiencing anxiety levels worse as compared to those taking placebos. These results have not stopped doctors from prescribing benzos for anxiety disorders at alarming rates. This medicine is available in different doses (0.25 mg, 0.5 mg, 1 mg, 2 mg, and 3mg). And this description section is only for the 0.5mg of Xanax.

Identification Of Xanax 0.5 mg

Xanax 0.5 mg is available in different colors. And it comes in a round, elliptical shape with a half-divider bar. Manufacturers give different imprints for Xanax bar to identify it easily. You can get the 0.5mg of the pill as peach Xanax, green Xanax, yellow Xanax, and white Xanax.

Here is a chat of table for you, this will clear you about the color, and print variation of 0.5 Xanax.

Xanax Color

Imprints of 0.5 mg Pills


Green IP 9 Round
White 2091 V Round
022 Round
93 5450 Round
COR 187 Round
G 0.5 Round
Yellow S 901 Oval/ Elliptical
SP 322 0.5 Round
Peach GG 257 Oval/ Elliptical
G 37 20 Oval/ Elliptical
0.5 NA Oval/ Elliptical
MYLAN A3 Round
2088 V Oval/ Elliptical
604 Oval/ Elliptical
R 029 Round
B705 Oval/ Elliptical
BP 631 Cylindrical

What Does Alprazolam 0.5 mg do to you?

Alprazolam is the active ingredient of Xanax, that used to treat anxiety issues, and panic attacks. This belongs in the drug class of benzodiazepines drug. All active ingredients of benzodiazepines drugs first act on the nerve system of the body by increasing the production rate of natural GABA chemicals. The GABA chemical is available in our body naturally to maintain the anxiety issue. Anxiety issue increases, when the chemical decreases in our body. So Alprazolam helps to increase the GABA chemical to do its function properly. After some time, it gives relaxation in mind, and feel you the calming effect on body and mind.

Does everyone feel the same effect of Xanax?

After taking Xanax, all people do not feel the same. It affects everyone in different ways. We have mentioned some points which are the main reason Xanax does not affect the same different people it depends on several factors:

  • Age
  • Weight
  • Gender
  • Metabolism
  • Dosage
  • Mental state when you take the medicine

If you are starting these doses for the first time, before taking it, consult with your doctor about its side effects, the benefits of using other medicine options which have fewer side effects.

How to Take Xanax 0.5

Like the other doses of Xanax, you can follow the same manual to take the Xanax 0.5mg. Take it by mouth directly. It will take approximately 1 hour to reach all over the body through the bloodstream. If you don’t want to take the Xanax in oral tablet form then you can crush it, and can take it in powder form.
In the case of unavailability, you can take the Xanax 1 mg and can break it into the same two parts. And can take one part of the pill as a regular dose of Xanax 0.5 mg with some water.

Side Effects Of 0.5 mg Xanax

According to the Drug Enforcement Administration, Xanax is a schedule IV categorized drug. So it is obvious, you will affect by some side effects for the first time. Sometimes it becomes so worst as compared to the anxiety problems. So side effects are mild, and some can cause death. So consult your doctor for the side effects. Here are some of the side effects you may face after consuming the Xanax pill;

Severe Side Effects

Mild Side Effects

Allergic reactions Dizziness
Breathing issues Lightheadedness
Jaundice (Yellowing of eyes, skin & nails) Mood swing
Hallucination Tiredness
Suicidal Thoughts Sleepiness
Excess Saliva production
Memory Problem
Loss of Co-ordination

Commonly Ask Questions By Customers

Before taking Xanax, customers have some queries about the Xanax dose. So here we have chosen the most common questions asked by the patients, or the customers. Have a look;

Is 0.5 mg Xanax ok?

0.5mg of Xanax is the ½ dose of 1 mg. This dose is used for mild anxiety issues, and for sleeplessness disorder. In some cases, doctors prescribe the dose initially to observe the effect of Xanax on your body. If the doctor finds, everything is ok then he/she may increase the dose of Xanax gradually. But it is always good to take a smaller dose of Xanax.

Does Xanax 0.5mg make you sleepy?

Xanax belongs in the benzodiazepines drug class. And the main function of Benzodiazepines is to increase the production rate of natural GABA chemicals, by controlling the central nervous system. That relaxes our body and mind, make us sleepy. Every dose of Xanax can make you sleepy. So, yes Xanax 0.5mg makes you sleepy?

How much is a .5 of Xanax?

The price of Xanax .5mg is depend, on where you are buying. Online medicine shopping sites offer a good discount and have the facility of home delivery, and online payment. So it is always good to order Xanax online. But you should ensure the site is real and approved by FDA. You can see the price of Xanax offered on our site from the above chat.

Is 0.5 mg the same as 1mg?

0.5 mg is the ½ dose of 1 mg. So 0.5 mg is not the same as 1 mg. The 2 doses of 0.5mg is equivalent to Xanax 1mg pill. And the effect of both doses will vary according to that.

Is alprazolam a good sleeping pill?

Alprazolam makes you feel tired. After taking the Xanax pill, you may fall asleep for some time. But it is not a good sleeping pill, especially who have insomnia patients. If you are not an insomnia patient, then you can take it as temporary sleep medicine. Regular use of Xanax can reduce the amount of time, you spend sleeping.

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12 reviews for Xanax 0.5 mg

  1. Ayden

    It was terrific for me to see the pain of my sister. She has an anxiety disorder. She tried a lot of methods to cure the problem, but nothing worked for her. My father asked the doctor for Xanax, the doctor does not agree with this, but said to start taking Xanax from the lower dose of 0.5 mg. It has been a month, we have ordered the pills from ActionPills, and my sister is far better than the previous condition.

  2. Jude

    I have the chronic disorder of anxiety, so always keep Xanax pills in my stock. But one day I didn’t get any one of the pills in my stock. In an emergency, I ordered Xanax from ActionPills and got the fastest delivery at my home. All of the medicines are labeled by Rx, which is a little difficult to get outside from a pharma store. You can trust the site without having any queries on your mind.

  3. Dr. Jason

    Hey, I am a doctor. We often don’t suggest that patients take Xanax pills. But in severe cases, if it is unbearable to bear all of the anxieties for a patient we prescribe Xanax take it as a medicine. So I always keep Xanax for emergency cases. Recently ordered multiple doses of Xanax from ActionPills, and get the delivery fast, and all of the medicines are Rx label. Such a very good online pharma site.

  4. Tyler

    I ordered medicine from other online pharma sites many times, but honestly, this is the one, who can impress me a lot. Its credit card payment acceptance, medicine discounts, fast delivery, and advanced service are really good.

  5. Aubrey

    Hey, I am seventy years of old woman and had anxiety disorder for about 4 years. My life was like a hell. I have thought a lot of time to kill ownself. I heard about the Xanax bar and asked my doctor to take the pill. At first, he was not agreeing with me, after a lot of requests, he prescribed me Xanax 0.5 mg. Everything is in control now. Thanks, ActionPills to deliver the pill to my doorstep.

  6. Maxwell

    Thanks ActionPills for your service. All of the medications are delivered safely and got the Rx labeled medicines.

  7. Naomi

    My doctor prescribed me to take 0.2 mg of Xanax to cure the panic attacks. I needed confirmation about this medicine because I have no idea about this. Read the detailed information of Xanax 0.2 mg on this site. Everything is described clearly. Thanks ActionPills, to provide honest, and genuine information about the product.

  8. Arthur

    Delivery service is so fast. This site keeps the information of the customer securely in the end-to-end security process. Really a trustable site to buy medicine online.

  9. Everly

    If you have acute anxiety disorder then you should take the lower dose of Xanax 0.5 mg. Start with a small dose, so that the withdrawal process will be easy for you. It was experienced by me.

  10. Eleanor

    Placed an order on ActionPills. I am shocked by the delivery speed. It was a wonderful experience with ActionPills. Really your service is very good.

  11. Ryder

    I was using Xanax 2 mg for my severe anxiety issue. And everything goes controlled after taking the 2 mg Xanax bar. Suddenly I realized, it will be an addiction to take Xanax for a lifetime. So I discussed this with my doctor to withdraw the dose of the medicine, because everything is normal now, and the anxiety can be managed with other therapies. The doctor suggested me reduce the dose of Xanax gradually by 2 mg to 1 mg, 1 mg to Xanax 0.5 mg, and 0.5 mg to 0.5 mg. I did the same by ordering all of the Xanax doses from ActionPills. Now I am controlling my anxiety disorder by therapies. Xanax helped me a lot to control the disorder in the primary stage. Thanks to my doctor to suggest the right direction of using Xanax, and the ActionPills to provide the right quantity of medicine at the right time.

  12. Theo

    Don’t get any hesitation to try this medicine. If you have a mild anxiety disorder this is the right dose to take Xanax. Xanax 0.25 mg is the smaller dose of Xanax. I was also taking the same, so I can say that it is safe to take the medication. Don’t listen to all of the myths related to Xanax. It can be horrible if you will take the medicine in the wrong way. You can check the above detail on the site to use the medicine in the right way.

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