Cialis 40 mg


Cialis 40 mg is an effective drug for the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction. The main active ingredient of Cialis is Tadalafil. It belongs to a class of drugs called phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. The FDA approved this drug in 2003. Due to its efficiency and safety, this medication is quickly gaining popularity. At an affordable price, you can get Cialis online. You can buy it from ActionPills only with a prescription.

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Cialis is available only in the form of a tablet. And It can be taken by mouth once a day with or without food. Cialis 40 mg is a high dose. If the lower dosage doesn’t work then Cialis 40 mg is prescribed. Cialis only functions when the person is ready for intercourse. Consume Cialis during this time as prescribed by your doctor. Your brain transmits signals to the penile nerve system after taking the medication.


Most Cialis pills are oval-shaped tablets that should be taken daily or as needed with water. Tadalafil (Cialis) has various strengths or capabilities, much like other drugs. According to their capabilities, doctors suggest that their patients have different powers. For this medication, 20 mg, 40 mg, and 60 mg of Cialis strengths are available.


Cialis treats Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and Erectile Dysfunction (ED). ED is the inability to achieve or maintain an erection. A prostate condition that may cause urinary issues is symptoms of BPH. Hence, BPH is an age-related health issue. Cialis can treat both ED and BPH symptoms at the same time.

Cialis for ED relaxes the blood vessels that flow to the penis, allowing more blood to enter it. Because of this, the patient is comfortable in bed with a partner. Cialis’ effects can last for up to 36 hours. The medication takes 30 minutes to 2 hours to reach its peak.

For BPH symptoms relaxing the muscles in your bladder, makes it easier for you to urinate.

How To Use

As directed by your doctor, take this medication for the prescribed period of time. Completely swallow it with a glass of water. Never chew, break, or crush it. Although the 40 mg Cialis tablet can be also taken with or without food, it is best to take it at a fixed time.

Cialis Indication

Cialis is indicated for the treatment of insufficient blood flow to the penis. And it is common for aged people. Most of these issues affect people over 60 because of poor internal function. Due to their bad habits, young or adult men also experience erectile dysfunction. In these cases, the doctor may suggest taking Cialis, for penile erection problems.

  • Take Cialis once daily or as needed.
  • If you are using Cialis for the first time, start with a lower dose.
  • Try to consume these pills daily. It will increase Cialis’ effects.
  • The best time to take these pills is 30 to 60 minutes before sexual activity. Swallow these medications with water without breaking or chewing them.
  • Avoid taking too much Cialis or more than your doctor prescribed within 24 hours. It will result in many health problems otherwise.
  • While taking these ED medications, stay away from fatty foods like salmon, red meat, and milk. The effects of these medications are typically slowed down by excess fat.

Does Cialis Works on Women

The prescription can make women take longer to attain orgasm. Even if in some women this is the desired effect of the medication, to prolong sexual activity. The medication has anecdotally proven helpful in raising female libido.

To increase your capacity for activity. Cialis is also used to treat the symptoms of pulmonary arterial hypertension in both men and women.

Side Effects

Cialis is a strong and effective medication for erectile dysfunction. But if taken improperly, these medicines also have a lot of side effects. These medications sometimes result in threats of death or long-term health problems. So, need to seek professional advice to prevent Cialis-related losses. The following is a list of the side effects of these ED medications, both common and uncommon.

Common Side Effects

The common side effects, which in most cases last for a few days. However, the effects of Cialis depend on the patient’s health and proper tablet intake.

  • Head and face pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Muscle aches or pains
  • An allergic response
  • Clogged nose
  • Watery, loose stools
  • Erection pain

Serious Side Effects

The wrong dosage or an overdose will wreak havoc on your health. Rarely, the side effects can result in death threats. To avoid any side effects, so, speak with your doctor.

  • Presbycusis
  • Tinnitus
  • E-regular blood pressure
  • Dizzy feeling
  • Fainting, or syncope
  • Continues erection in penis
  • Color blindness
  • Lose eye vision
  • Chest pain

Warning & Precautions

You should speak with a doctor before taking Cialis. When using the medication, you should use extra care. If you have any of the following conditions:

  • Heart Problem
  • Heartbeat irregularity (Arrhythmia)
  • you lately experienced a heart attack;
  • Chest pain
  • Blood pressure, whether high or low
  • Liver or kidneys disease (especially if you are receiving dialysis);
  • Any type of blood cell abnormalities, such as sickle cell anemia, leukemia, or myeloma
  • Bleeding conditions like hemophilia
  • Ulcerative colitis or gastric ulcers
  • Eye diseases like retinitis pigmentosa
  • Any physical defects of the penis, such as phimosis or Peyronie’s disease;
  • If you’ve been told not to have sexual relations for health reasons by medical experts.

Patients may have back or muscle pain after taking Cialis. It is a common adverse reaction that could last for two days. To get the best solution, talk to your doctor.

The use of Cialis is not recommended for the treatment of STDs like AIDS and Hepatitis B.

If you’re using medications, like nitrates, isosorbide dinitrate, Minitran, etc., inform the doctor. These medications often interact with Cialis and can have side effects.

Missed Dose And Overdose

It is uncommon for a dose of Cialis to be missed. Because it is only taken when necessary. Serious side effects can result from taking Cialis more than the recommended dosage. Use Cialis only as much as prescribed by your physician.

Interactions With Food, Alcohol, And Drug

Many different drugs and Cialis can interact. Different interactions can lead to various outcomes. For instance, certain interactions may impair a drug’s effectiveness. Other interactions may lead to more adverse effects or more severe side effects. Don’t use Cialis if you are taking:

  • Nitrates and illicit drugs containing amyl or butyl nitrite
  • Alpha-blockers
  • Other ED medications
  • Drugs for high blood pressure

When it comes to taking Cialis with food, there are almost no restrictions. Doctors advise against eating grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice while taking the medication. Grapefruit juice may raise the blood levels of Cialis. And it could cause unpleasant side effects including priapism.

Alcohol and Cialis should not be taken together without caution. Avoiding alcohol consumption is a good idea. Because Cialis also temporarily lowers blood pressure with the help of alcohol. Although those who drink small amounts of alcohol have to use the drug for years, excesses can cause lightheadedness, dizziness, migraines, and heart palpitations.


Every drug has an alternative. Your doctor will determine which choice is best for you. As alternatives, the doctor could suggest Levitra, Viagra, or Kamagra. Before taking any drug, consult a doctor.

How To Store

Keep Cialis pills at room temperature. Cialis should be kept away from light in a closed container. Avoid keeping this medication in locations like toilets where it can become moist or wet.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How long does Cialis stay active in the body?

After your dose, Cialis might linger in your system for up to 2 days. Two days after your last dosage, if you’re taking the prescription as directed. It can still improve your capacity to get and sustain an erection.

What happens if I take Cialis and Viagra together?

The risk of side effects can rise if you take both Viagra and Cialis. Such as headache, nausea, and low blood pressure. Before doing this, you must talk to your doctor. Because if it is not treated, it might cause erectile dysfunction.

Can I use Cialis 40 mg twice daily?

It is advised to take one dose of Cialis 40 mg each day. To avoid adverse effects, it should not be taken more than once per day. If you don’t get the results you want, talk to your doctor about adjusting your dose.

Can I combine alcohol with tadalafil?

It is well known that alcohol alters how this medication functions. The condition known as orthostatic hypotension might develop if you use this medication together with heavy drinking. Headaches, wooziness, fainting, etc. might result from this.

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